Last week, we spent a lot of time going over procedures such as how to use a chart to log our independent reading choices and then we reflected on the chart to set goals for ourselves. Some noticed that they read only nonfiction, some noticed that they chose a different book each day, some noticed that they read more as the week went on.
We also spent some time observing different types of maps and pictures of the world. We started by looking at the world map, noticing how continents were landmasses consisting of several countries. We also checked out this guy here:
This is Scott Kelly, an astronaut who posts pictures of the Earth on his Twitter feed. We were able to see pictures of "Hurricane" Danny and the northern islands of Canada.
After we looked at countries, we shifted our focus to the states. We looked at atlases in groups and recorded our observations. This also provided us with valuable practice for working with our peers.
Finally, we have begun Explorations and the excitement is so evident in the students. I was impressed at the choices they were making. GarageBand seems to be a class-favorite, as well as building with the K'nex and Contraptions. Here are some pictures:
Here are pictures from the Gathering where Marley, Wyatt, and Paula Kay were introduced by their fellow students.
Sidenote: Let's say your awesome kid does something awesome at home and wants to share that awesome thing with their awesome friends. Send it to me in an email!!! I'll put it on the blog so that it can make the Internet more awesome! Will's family sent this to me last week.
I'll be posting tons of pictures this year, so if you don't see your kid in these, you'll see them in other posts.
Due Wednesday: Your child will ask you a few questions about taxes, they will write down your answers and bring them back to class Wednesday. This will help us as we understand how citizens fit into their communities.
Due next Tuesday: Math packet and reading log.
Tuesday, Sept. 8: MAP Reading
Tuesday, Sept. 15: MAP Math
Thursday, Sept. 17: Opening Picnic
Thursday, Sept. 24: Early Dismissal/Parent-Teacher Conference Day (Let me know if you would like to meet)
Thursday, Oct. 8: Curriculum Night #1
Friday, Oct. 16: Zoo Trip and our 1st Gathering...eeesh, your kids will be exhausted for that weekend.
Adoption Update
We fly out early Saturday to see the kids for Labor Day weekend. We also got our official dates for them to move out here! Weekend of Sept. 19th. I'll probably take a couple of days off that following week as we help our family adjust to the changes. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!