This Week's Homework
A lot of studying this week!
1. Spelling check in on Friday:
high, every, near, add, food, between, own, below, country, plants
2. Multiplication x5 check in next Monday. It will only be the 5's times table and we will have 5 minutes to do as many as possible. Your child is bringing home their check in from today and some new flash cards. Please don't throw away the only flash cards! :)
3. Next Tuesday, we will have a check-in on different environments. Your child will bring home a completed chart of the 10 environments we have studied tomorrow after school. They basically need to be able to differentiate between different types of environments based on temperature, light, water, and plant and animal life.
4. Rounding to the nearest 10 worksheet due Monday.
5. Editing the 2nd draft of the fiction stories is due Monday. We are going to rewrite published copies next week, so there is no need to rewrite them at home. Just looking out for ending punctuation, capitalization, spelling of commonly used words, speech tags, and quotation marks.
6. Reading daily. :)
This Week in the Classroom
Reading: We are focusing on reading with expression. If you are able this week, have your child read aloud with you and listen to how they read with expression. We practiced today and I'll be posting a video as soon as YouTube allows. We are still accessing fiction texts.
Writing: Our class has completed 2nd drafts of pieces and we are beginning 1st drafts of new fiction pieces. We are continuing to learn about narration and dialogue and how to use quotation marks and speech tags.
Math: Rounding to the nearest 100 and multiplication by 5's.
Science: Environments and habitats, and planning out our 1st expert project where we will be comparing two animals. More to come soon!
Important Notes
This Thursday is a half-day. Our day will end @11:30. We will still have AfterCare for those who are already registered for AfterCare.
This Thursday, we will begin hosting our school's Student Voice Council or SVC. It's a big responsibility for our class. We will facilitate discussion between classes about ways to improve our school. We will create a blog for the school to access.
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