Monday, October 20, 2014


This Week's Homework

Multiplication: Cumulative (0, 1, 2, 5, 9, 10) next Monday.
Spelling list: last, school, father, keep, trees, never, started, city, earth, eyes
Math packet: Due Monday; 30 multiplication practice problems, rounding with number lines to the nearest 10 and nearest 100.

This Week

Reading: Literature study around Stone Fox
Writing: Completing drafts of 2nd fiction stories, including a narrator, cursive 'B', using commas in dialogue
Math: Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 without a number line, data analysis
Unit of Study: Working on expert projects

Upcoming Stuff and Dates

The end of the nine weeks is this Friday. Progress reports are due the following Wednesday and you will receive them after our front office does the things they need to do. Usually that Friday or the following Monday.

Library books from RCPL are due this Friday. I will remind students on Thursday if they need to take books home.

This week is a normal 5 day week; but there is some unique scheduling over the following two weeks. October 31st is a half day (11:30 dismissal), November 2nd is daylight savings (the one where we get an extra hour of sleep and everyone is really happy about it), we return on November 3rd only to have another day off on November 4th (Election Day). Whew!

Miss Newton will be with us Wednesday and next Wednesday and Thursday. The following week, she will be in our class Monday through Thursday until Thanksgiving break.

Thursday, Nov. 20 and Friday, Nov. 21, I will be presenting with some of our faculty at a conference in Washington D.C. Miss Newton will be here that Thursday running the class and there will be a substitute both days.

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