Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to Make Your Own Cereal

How to make your own cereal
So you’re hungry and your parents won’t make no breakfast because they are sooo LAZY!  And then they tell you to make it yourself well if you don’t know how to cook here is one way you can make your own breakfast.You can make cereal!  It’s not hard if you follow my directions on how to make it.Here are the steps on how to make cereal.
First,you get any type of cereal you like from out of your pantry and put it on your counter. Next,go get your milk out of your refrigerator and also put that on your counter. After you do that,you go get a bowl out of your cabinet and remember to put that on your counter too. Now,you open the tabs on the top of the cereal box. Then,you pour your cereal gently into the bowl that you got out of the cabinet. Now that you did that,you need to get your milk and twist the lid of it and gently pour it gently into the bowl like you did with the cereal. Once you did all of that,you need to go get a spoon from out of your draw and put it in your bowl of cereal.And finally,you enjoy eating your cereal.
So,are you hungry any more? I bet you are not.So when your parents are sooo lazy and they don’t want to get out of bed you know what to do.I hope you had a great time doing it . Tell your family  and friends that you know how to cook. How about you tell the whole world that you know how to cook!!!!!! Okay maybe I was to far.
THE END                                                                                                                     THE ENDphoto

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