Just a reminder about how I handle homework: I will give it all out at one time at the beginning of the week and it will be due on a specific day. If I need a particular piece of the homework for a lesson in class, I will make a separate note and due date on that particular assignment.
1. Observe an Ecosystem, due Monday: The directions are printed on the sheet, but your child needs to observe a natural area (it doesn't have to be a road trip) and classify living and nonliving things. They can also look for evidence of living things, such as a spider's web. If you would like for your child to extend the assignment, have them document by taking pictures and send them to me. Or, another idea is, instead of just writing "spider", your child can research to see if it's a specific species. For example...
I saw this amazing spider over the weekend. I showed the students in class and instead of just saying "spider", I used the wonders of technology and Internetness to find the species. One student said to search "spider with yellow circles on its back"...within a few seconds we had the answer. If you said, "Golden Orb Spider" you were right! Guess what else we learned...did you know that a Golden Orb Spider has venom that is similar to a Black Widow but slightly less potent? It affects you in the same way but to a lesser extent. It made me feel quite brave actually!
2. Math Packet, due Monday: Students will complete math packet covering properties of multiplication and division. This is an excellent opportunity to sit down with your child and listen to them share their strategies that they've learned in class. One of my best college professors once told me, "Teaching is the highest form of learning. If you can teach it, then you REALLY know it."
3. Richland County Library Cards, by Friday: We go to the library near the school about once a month. I already have several cards from last year, but if I don't, please send them in by Friday if you would like for your child to check out books. If you're not sure if I have your child's card, send me a quick email.
Dates to Keep in Mind:
1. Friday, August 26: We walk to the library @ 9:15.
2. Monday, Sept. 5: Labor Day, no school
3. Thursday, Sept. 15: Opening Picnic; if you're new to us, you'll be getting more information about this fun time.
4. Thursday, Sept. 22: Early Dismissal @ 11:30
5. Friday, Sept. 30: Our 1st Gathering @ 2:20
6. Thursday, October 6: Curriculum Night #1 @ 7:00
Note: In the future, I'm going to post my weekly blogs on Friday. When I originally said Monday, I forgot that it's our Faculty Meeting Day and it might be "information overload" with Homework info as well.
Technology RUP Forms: Please log into Parent Portal and complete your child's Responsible Use form for Chromebook use as soon as you are able. If you have questions or difficulties, send me an email and I'll forward it to our tech-guru Mrs. Hucks.
As always, if I forgot something, I'll send everyone an email. Have an excellent week!
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