Monday, April 20, 2015

Homework and Dates


Thursday, April 23rd: Curriculum Night

Friday, April 24th: 11:30 dismissal

Tuesday, April 28th-Thursday, April 30th: ACT Aspire testing

Wednesday, April 29th: Field study permission slips and money due

Tuesday, May 5th: Field study to the SC State Museum


In preparation for the ACT Aspire tests next week, I have created student accounts on two websites that students will access at home or in Aftercare.

Your child is bringing home a letter with their log-in information.

This will provide exposure to various types of questions and also will provide data for how they are doing with those questions. Their homework is a practice log. It is on the back of the IXL letter you will receive. It looks like this:

Read Theory
Parent Signature






Students will work on Read Theory for at least 20 minutes and IXL for at least 20 minutes daily. On IXL, you can choose concepts you want them to work on as well, but they can choose different ones to work on. They must get their log signed and brought back each day. Each student is allotted one "pass" day in case there are circumstances where the work could not be done the previous night. As I told the kids, in every job there is "crunch time" where you have to buckle down and challenge yourself more; this week is crunch time. I do not want the students to practice Sunday so they can have a breather before next week starts.

Monday, April 6, 2015

MAP and Pictures from Filter of Hope

Our class will be participating in the MAP Reading and Math tests this week. Tuesday morning, we will take the Reading portion. Thursday morning, we will take the Math portion. I encourage all students to get enough sleep and eat a healthy breakfast to prepare for the test. We worked diligently this morning on the types of questions the test would ask and how to approach answering those questions. We will be spending the next three days reviewing material that we have covered at the beginning of the year in math, just to jog our memory.

There will not be homework until next week, except a reading log without responses. This is due Monday.

Here are some pictures of the water filters our class purchased being distributed in a small African country called Burkina Faso. Our contact at Filter of Hope told me that in this village, 35% of all children die before they turn 5 because of the parasites and bacteria that is in their water. The picture of the small pond is this village's only water source. Please pass these pictures along to those that donated, so they know their donations saved lives of children in these pictures.