Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Shark Art Debate

After I got back from my children's doctor appointment this afternoon, our class looked at an article on Scholastic News. Here's the link if you are interested in reading the article yourself:

Highly intriguing stuff! It opens up the question, what is art really?

Well, whenever we have discussions about choosing an opinion, I do my very best to keep my own out of the conversation. It's amazing how quickly group think can occur and how difficult it is to come up with reliable data when it does occur.

We discussed the article and how to communicate an opinion specifically and clearly. Why do you believe what you believe? Why does your opinion matter? If we are specific with these answers, it lends our point of view a little more "oomph."

So, we created and completed an online survey through Google Forms that went directly to a spreadsheet. Then, we turned it into a graph. I thought some of you might want to see it.

I hope that when your child comes home and you ask them what they learned that day, you are getting specific details and not just the "nuthin'" response. Hopefully, these posts can be a conversation tool for you to go deeper with your child at home.


Observations about an environment are due Friday. A possible way to extend this assignment is maybe observing the same environment on multiple days to notice any changes, if at all.

Labor Day is Monday. So, I won't be here if you come. :)

Reading logs are due that next Tuesday. I prefer students only complete one reading log a day. It's not about cramming; it's about consistency.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Caterpillar Alert

Science yesterday was a lesson in inquiry.

During recess, two students stumbled upon a small caterpillar. We took it into the room and placed it in our butterfly hatching net.

We talked about how, in order for the caterpillar to go through metamorphosis, we would need to find food fit for its diet. So, the two students walked us outside to where they found the caterpillar and we started looking for plants in that area that it might eat. We mainly found grasses and we compared them by leaf styles in the classroom. Altogether, we found 3 possible species of grass.

This morning, we noticed that the caterpillar hadn't eaten any of the grass. So, now we are revising our prediction about what the caterpillar might eat.

Mr. O'Keefe told me at carpool that if a caterpillar is away from its food source, it might be close to making its J-shape, preparing for the pupa stage. We'll see.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mr. Foote Does the Ice Bucket Challenge

Homework 8/25-9/1 and Notes for the Week

I am thinking that posting homework on the blog will be better for everyone so the list doesn't get lost in email limbo.

Just as a reminder, I treat homework differently than you may be used to from your own schooling. I believe homework serves three main purposes: 1) extra practice 2) providing a glimpse of your child's work and thinking process and 3) building a sense of responsibility.

Homework will be given out at the beginning of the week and will need to be completed by the deadline.

Here's this week's slate:

1. The at-home reading log needs to be completed and returned by next Tuesday. (Monday is Labor Day.)

2. Observing an environment near your home and writing down several observations. It could be a park, pond, backyard, etc. This needs to be turned in Friday, as we will use it for a class discussion.


1. On Thursday, the students will complete their job application on Google forms.

2. Also on Thursday, our class will take a walk to Hunter's Pond to look at the environment there. Miss Newton will accompany us for that. Tennis shoes would be preferable that day.

3. In general, Thursday's are pretty much all going to be tennis shoe-preferred. P.E. is Thursday for our class.

What Are We Up To?

1. We are beginning the year practicing cursive handwriting as we get back into the habit of our Writing Workshop structure.

2. We are reading The Indian in the Cupboard, practicing book talks, and beginning our year studying fiction stories.

3. We are spending two weeks reviewing the essential concepts from Math that were covered last year. Regrouping, geometric figures, time, etc.

4. We are beginning the year looking into environments and habitats during Unit of Study. In fact, if you have anything at home that would help our study into plants and animals and would like to share it, send it in with your child! :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Oh...I Forgot to Mention

Will called me out to do the Ice Bucket Challenge thingamajig.

So, I'll do it Monday and post the video of me being very cold.

Everyone better be nice to me or I'll call all of you out too!! Just kidding. Maybe.

Class Jobs

So, sometimes I'll use the blog to post pictures and videos straight from the iPad and sometimes I'll use it to give you some cool updates from our world in here.

No, that's not me. That's our MAT, Miss Newton, rocking the house talking with the kids about how we are going to change up classroom jobs this year. In my interactions with Miss Newton, I can tell that she has a lot of great ideas and will complement our classroom in many ways.

Class jobs will look different this year. Last year we had difficulty keeping everyone bought into the concept. Some jobs were needed more than others and some jobs were sometimes not needed whatsoever during that week. All in all, it became a structure devoid of the high expectations we are used to in our classroom. Miss Newton started coming up with ideas to change the format.

Basically, we figured out what the 12 most important jobs are to the classroom so that it functions more like a well-oiled machine. They are Botanist (we have a plant!!!), Paper Manager, Supply Manager, Messenger, Librarian, Historian, Recycling Expert, Computer Technician, Line Guide, Lunch Counter, Letter Writer, and Assistant Custodian.

The students listened to the job descriptions yesterday and will work on applications next Thursday. They will have to apply for jobs explaining why they think they would be a good choice for them. The application process will begin anew after 2-3 weeks and their experience doing their job will be something they can add to their application for the next go round. But, everyone will have a job. We always will need help keeping the classroom organized and clean (Assistant Custodian) and every child will get an opportunity to do several jobs throughout the year. So, if they aren't selected for their dream job this time, they will get an opportunity soon.

Basically, we are rethinking the process to help the students think critically about what they feel would fit them best and how to communicate that desire clearly and effectively.