Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This (Crazy) Week of 10/27-11/4

Practice expert project presentations at home.
Study for multiplication (3's times table)

The increase in absences due to sickness (including my own) reminds me of a rap I did that won me an consolation prize award at a Speech/Debate tournament in high school. Not kidding.

You gotta wash your hands
You gotta wash 'em right
Don't give into germs without a fight
Gotta wash your hands gotta wash your hands gotta wash your hands.
Use water that's warm
And lots of soapy bubbles
These are your weapons for preventing germ troubles
Gotta wash your hands gotta wash your hands gotta wash your hands

Yeah, I rapped in high school. We all have things we're not proud of. But, the fact remains, you all know that there is a lot of crazy awful germ sickness stuff going around in school and out. I'm hammering washing hands in the classroom. As a result of the absences, we used today as a catch up/get on the same page day before presentations tomorrow.

But, it was good to get back to work with the kids. Here they are working on creating arrays as we work on multiplication.

We will begin presentations both days in the mornings. We will have three presenters and a 5 minute break afterward. Then, we'll start the process again. If you are coming, and you haven't let me know, please just shoot me an email and let me know. Thanks!

Technically, the nine-week period ended last Friday and the kids are presenting after the nine-week period ended. But, because it took up a good chunk of the nine-week period, I thought it should be included on your child's narrative report you will receive soon. Reports are due Wednesday, but I have requested a 2 day extension to ensure that I can have expert projects on the narrative report. I will be turning them in Friday morning to the front office. If you do not get them that Friday, it will most likely be the following Monday.

After presentations and lunch on Thursday, our school will have Gathering @ 12:30 and Fall Festival. Please send your child to school with comfortable tennis shoes you don't mind them getting dirty.

Friday, or Halloween as it is more commonly known in these parts, is a half day. We will still have Aftercare and there will be bag lunch if your child gets school lunch that day.

Then, there's the weekend...and what looks like fall temperatures!!! Oh, and don't forget to "fall back" on Sunday at 2:00 am.

Monday, after your clocks are changed, we will reconvene and have a normal school day. We will have a multiplication timed test on the 3's times table that day and focus the rest on the gubernatorial election and reading Stone Fox. 

Tuesday, we will NOT have school. I'll be voting, and I hope that you're able to do so as well! :)

Then, we'll see each other again on Wednesday.

I told you it was going to be a crazy week. But, we'll make it through together. Hakuna-matata.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. I love that you are our teacher! What a neat personality you have!
