Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Back!!!

It was such a great experience presenting alongside our faculty at the National Council of Teachers of English conference this past weekend. I was even more moved at how much positive feedback our class received for their work with researching plastic pollution. Your children truly did "teach teachers how to teach" and all I did was give an honest retelling of what they did. I also was able to attend sessions that helped challenge and encourage me. The kids were great while I was gone and Ms. Newton rocked the house.

Observations/Experiences from Washington:
1. It gets cold in Washington. Hats are recommended.
2. I ate some of the best food of my life: Chesapeake crab cakes, Portuguese chicken wings, omelets, Brick oven pizza...
3. They have a Peeps store in Washington. Like, just Peeps.
4. Politicians are NOT everywhere.
5. I got to meet people from all over our country. Very interesting.
6. People do not follow the Gamecocks. I asked if they could put them on the TV in a restaurant and they looked at me like I was crazy.
7. The Potomac River may be one of the most beautiful rivers I've ever seen personally.
8. They have really big chairs in Washington - Mr. Foote sized chairs.

1. Reading log during the break. We should be reading daily, even when we're not in school. Due Monday.
2. Study the 6's times table. 15 minutes a day, even during the break. Last time we had a break, our class didn't do so well collectively. So, please encourage your child to study these daily. Thank you.

1. I was welcomed back to class with our Gathering papers for NEXT WEEK! That's right, December 5th, we have Gathering. More to come soon after we have a class meeting about it.

2. Really, that was the only note. But, I felt like I had to put a 2 if I had a 1.

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