Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to Climb a Tree

Mr. Foote-3
How to Climb a Tree
Maybe your playing outside in the wonderful breeze, and you gaze up into a tall tree to see an abandoned bird nest that you  want. Or maybe you just want to climb and explore something. But either way,I think that the best thing you could do is simply climb a tree. If you don’t know how to, look down the page and learn.
First, look around and find a strong tree that has thick lower branches that you can reach. Make sure that it can hold your weight. Before you begin, walk around the tree a couple of times to find the right branch to start with. When you do start, try to pull yourself up just like when you do a chin up. Once you’ve accomplished that part, it’s much easier!! Great job! Remember to keep your feet near the tree trunk, because that is the stronger part of the branch. Use your hands to grip the trunk. Sometimes if you run into a branch that is too high for you to step over, and too thin for you to  step on, either switch sides of the tree, or start to climb down. If you do choose to keep going, make sure you set yourself a limit. (The branches on the top of  the tree are much thinner than the ones on the bottom.) When you do want to climb down, try to do it the exact same thing you did when you were climbing up.
Like I said, once you get in the tree, it’s much easier, plus, it's a really fun way to spend your time outside!!      

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