Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to Play Minecraft

Mr. Foote-3
How to Make Minecraft pokemon cards
Have you ever wanted to make your own pokemon cards? Well i will give you instructions of how to make your own minecraft pokemon cards.
First, you go to google search and save a pitcher of  either a monster in minecraft or an  animal  then you get a sheet of paper.Next ,here comes a difficult part but if you are a good writer you will be able to make it look real and you are going to make the hp and that is a another way to say how much live it has.

Then, is your first attack but it can olley be in the tens place or hundreds place. Then here comes the second attack or it can be a ability.  Then ,it can have a weakness and it can have a resistance. Now ,you can make it have a element it can be a metal type or a fighting type or anything.Now, you can make a name for your pokemon but you got to uppercase the first letter. Next, you can add a background with the pokemon. you can put a grassy field or a fire mountain or a destroyed place.Then ,you can make color in the background of the pokemon if you don't want it to be black or white you can add in all sorts of color like blue or red or yellow. Last,if you have copy machines use them so you can make a lot of copies so you can sell some of them!!! The end.

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